we're all suffering disney/california-withdrawals because we had just the most perfect time in california, it was easily the best vacation we have ever had!

since there is so much to share, this is all coming in installments with the pictures. okay? so first, nana and i went to disneyland with the grand idea that we would all get a new pair of classic mickey ears and have our picture taken while wearing the said ears... oh the best laid plans!
the unraveling of plans began with papa (shocker!) first refusing to get a new set, then the boys didn't want what i wanted them to get (another big shocker!) and you'll all be so proud of me: i let it go and let them get exactly what they wanted. this is a big step for me, being a control freak and all.. and after looking back, the ears they chose fit their personalities right now! ryan, of course, chose the beach themed "relax in paradise" ears.
and captain jacks went for the pirate inspired ears. he loved the pirates of the caribbean ride... he was a bit apprehensive at the onset, and then he really got into the whole thing. he was even singing the "yo ho hos" by the end. and that's how he was on everything-- a bit cautious, but willing to try anything! but then again, that's how he lives his life.
and i, of course, loved that there were several johnny depp/jack sparrow pirates added to the ride!
here we are--the whole family all wet from the big grizzly water ride at california adventure... see the grizzly-shaped rock behind us--it's kind of in the trees? hence the name, or so ryan explained--he's so smart.
but he loved everything about this park... he loved that there was mountainous places and beach/boardwalk parts. and there were a lot less people than at disney... not that i'm complaining because there weren't really too many people. the lines were either fast-pass or less than 20 minutes. i mean, it's disneyland, of course you're going to have to wait! people need to understand that and then they can really enjoy the happiest place on earth. we were able to ride every ride we wanted! sorry, i got up on a soapbox there, didn't i?!
and then here's our nana and papa, we wore them out i'm afraid! we were often at the park before breakfast and then way past dark. much spoiling happened, and that's why they are the nana and papa, right?! and we all learned a little something about them this trip... papa can't say "no" to the boys, and went on some rides he wasn't too crazy about. and speaking of rides that he wasn't crazy about... nana loves roller coasters! she went with david on as many as they could go on. i'm not sure if she was still talking about splash mountain, or why her mouth is open here, but's the only picture i have of them. we're so glad they were able to come with us. disneyland just wouldn't have been the same without them for me. thanks, guys!!

1 comment:
I'm glad to hear you guys had a great time. I have a picture of myself in front of the Disneyland fence too (when I was 5)! One of my best childhood memories...your boys will always remember the trip!
Take care,
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