Monday, July 14, 2008

the force is strong in these two

i bet you didn't know that throughout the day at disneyland, there is jedi training for young padawans...

the competition is tough.
there are many younglings who wish to be called upon by master mace windu. in his wisdom, he will only call on the younglings have the force within them.

and wouldn't you know, the force is appearently strong in jacks and ryan! they were chosen for a quick training session...

the younglings were outfitted in the jedi padawan uniform...

and equipped with weapon of the jedi...

they were trained in the proper use of the lightsaber...

and then...

who should show up? darth vader and his villianous storm-troopers!

but darth vader and the storm troopers were no competition for the padawans, and were sent packing to the death star to battle another day...

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