remember when you went on field trips and sometimes there was a fun stay-at-home-mom who lead half the class, and then there was the witchy SaHM who was usually my group's leader...
well, thankfully today i was neither of the two!
today, i was just jackson's mom who has a cool job at the library, and i was rewarded with a big smile today when he walked in!

there is jackson in the middle of his 3rd grade class, paying attention to the other librarian talking about our local hero, wilson rawls. it's moments like this that make me love him even more than i did this morning when i woke him up. seeing him in his element, makes me appreciate the fact that he's a good kid and i'm probably not as bad of a mom as i'm prone to think.
one more thing... i've been awol because of finals. so i thank everyone who prayed and cooked for me, and hopefully next semester won't be so horrid! oxox
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