Tuesday, May 20, 2008


being an Only child, i often have a hard time understanding sibling relationships. i'll be the first one to admit that i'm bad, bad, bad with interpersonal realtionships because i've never had a fight with someone that i'm forced to share a room with. when someone hurts my feelings, i can totally write them off... this is not what i see people do when they have siblings. they have that 'forgive and forget' gene that i'm trying to cultivate.

on the other hand, we've been hit with a trifecta of our friends losing parents. so i'm my fear of losing my parents and being completely alone, i'm forever telling jacks and ryan to be thankful for each other, and that they are the best friend each of them will ever have. but being an Only, i'm realize that i'm probably being naive that all siblings are friends, let alone best friends.

then they surprise me...
...when jacks congratulating ryan for a soccer goal!

... and here they are being so much fun in Yellowstone last weekend...

after rereading and thinking about all of this, i guess that i do have my fair share of fights with someone i share a room. and upon that thought, dave is the best friend i have ever had...

... so not only is he my friend and husband and he's a great dad, too. so whatever the boys learn about siblings and relationships, it will be from him. i know that jacks and ryan will be great brothers and wonderful men!
and PS can anyone explain WHY this isn't laying out like i think it
should? i've been struggling with getting words to wrap around pictures...
but it's NOT WORKING!!!

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