Saturday, May 31, 2008
be who you are...

Thursday, May 29, 2008
with a little help from my friends...

thanks for being such great friends to us!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
take me out to the ballgame...
dave loves the rockies, and has been broken hearted since last october when rock-ober wasn't meant to be. he spent all winter analyzing, reading up on what the off-season predictions would be, and just getting ready for the new season to begin and his team to rock away all of the competition... and we sadly know what's happening there*!
but that's neither here nor there... because whatever the record, we packed up friday morning and drove 10 hours to colorado so we could take dave to the game as an early father's day surprise!
we watched our team win in overtime on friday night, and so we were STOKED for a great game on saturday afternoon... by the time the mets had scored 5 runs on the first inning, ryan was hungry AND thirsty...
we told them they had to wait until the 3rd, which they did pretty well. but at the top of the inning, they were up and ready to go. but this is what ryan does when he's bored--he's a bony-maroni, so don't worry about that--and if you have been on a fishin' boat with our boy, Ryan will clean out a cooler if given enough time!
so no matter how badly the rockies lost the game, or how much money was spent, or how much whining he heard, dave told me that this was about the most perfect day... nothing like being at coor's field with his boys! and he deserved a near perfect day for being such a great dad!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
happy birthday, papa!
we love you papa, and we can't too see you in
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
on the other hand, we've been hit with a trifecta of our friends losing parents. so i'm my fear of losing my parents and being completely alone, i'm forever telling jacks and ryan to be thankful for each other, and that they are the best friend each of them will ever have. but being an Only, i'm realize that i'm probably being naive that all siblings are friends, let alone best friends.
then they surprise me...

... so not only is he my friend and husband and he's a great dad, too. so whatever the boys learn about siblings and relationships, it will be from him. i know that jacks and ryan will be great brothers and wonderful men!
and PS can anyone explain WHY this isn't laying out like i think it
should? i've been struggling with getting words to wrap around pictures...
but it's NOT WORKING!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
school field trips...
well, thankfully today i was neither of the two!

one more thing... i've been awol because of finals. so i thank everyone who prayed and cooked for me, and hopefully next semester won't be so horrid! oxox
Thursday, May 1, 2008
why, why, why?!
altho i get my feelings hurt way too eaily and lash out, i generally forgive easily--usually in 30 seconds, and once i love you, i'll love you forever and do whatever i can do to make you happy. of course, there are those who have pissed me off again and again; and i forgive them, but i'm not inviting them to my bar-b-que...

oh yeah... soccer

so here we are in the last quarter of the game, and there's a question over a goal attempt. two or three plays later, this kid on the other team is holding his face and sobbing like a little girl instead of playing defense. his parents run out there, and rescue their kid. it's bizarre... all of the soccer-moms start the murmuring, what's going on-what happened-is he okay-is dave going to call the game yet... oh, wait, that was just my thought.
so this is how it went down... a kid on the other team disagreed with the ref's call, our team backed up the call, the kid then said to one of the three, "you don't know anything, you stupid mexican," our kid retaliated, and the name caller started to cry. this is what i find to be the most interesting and distrubing:
- where would a kid pick up such a statement--parents maybe?
- the kid's easy ability to throw such racial slurs--and not expect retaliation
- the fact that our boy did that shoulder-to-shoulder shove during normal play of the game--no punching in the face was involved
- not only did the kid hurt our player's feelings, but then he lied to make himself look good
- our player offered no apology, just looked up at his dad with tears glistening in his eyes and said, in english, "but, papi, he called me a stupid mexican." and his dad hugged him, smiled and continued to pass put snacks.
who's to blame? i just don't know, but i can tell you i gave jackson and ryan the what-for over this. we talked about the ignorance of people who call names, and who might not tell whole truths. and after my tirade, ryan says to me as he pensively stares out the window, "why does this have to happen at every game? last week some kid said the same thing... so, can i have 2 or 3 scoops of ice cream at baskin robbins?"
it scares me that we let our boys walk around with these ideas floating around freely. and i'm not naive--i know this isn't a new thing or that i can protect them from it, but it still has got me in a funk. i hurt for that boy and for the other two who also feel the sting of the name-calling. i have my opinions about immigration, but i have no idea what it's like to be in crystal "clean" idaho as a different nationality. i do know what it's like to hold your child when they have been crushed by someone's need to make your child feel small. your heart aches for that little bit of childhood that has been ripped from them, and celebrate that (hopefully) they'll remember how much they hurt and will think twice before hurting someone else.
i hope that dave and i are raising jackson and ryan to be open-minded enough to appreciate everyone as God's creation. and then again speaking of God's creation...
... is spring ever going to come?