... a retro coleman cooler with a bottle opener handle (said cooler was holding 100 year old whiskey, beer and sandwiches)
... variety of fly-fishing equipment (rods, reels, fly boxes)
... camera (MINE!!)
all items may be found along the shores of the south fork of the snake river, please let us know if you have seen them

things (thankfully) not missing:
dave... and his good fly rod, thank goodness for the lifetime guarantee... oh, and the sun screen and cigars
my dad--with the bum hip... and who is said to be out-fishing the great trout-slayer, but the camera with the proof is sleeping with the fishes*
scott and scott's dad's drift boat... the drift boat that spilled out three of my favorite guys in the world into the river!
and one heck of a fish tale...
one that gets better with each telling
so while i have no camera to document the {big sigh} momentous moments of my childrens' lives, i luckily still have my phone...

pre-soccer game snap in my office
(cute coach, huh?!)
*sleeps with the fishes just like luca brasi
oh man! the camera...not the camera. thank God you didn't lose your book, though:) miss you friend!!! when are you and that soccer coach going to come visit our new house? just this morning sp was asking where you lived and if we could move there...
At least everyone's ok.
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