a.k.a. facebook
okay, so i have been on facebook since may of 2007--right after my cousin told me i could find him and his sister there... i set up the thing, and never looked at it again.
then at the Gator Bowl (GO BIG RED!!), my new pals said that i
could find them there at facebook too, so i go back into facebook and BAM! i'm totally sucked in and, frankly, kinda freaked out by it...
... why freaked out? how to say this? is it that i sometimes suffer from my gnat-sized self-esteem when dealing with the past? is it that i have a difficulty trusting people? is it time
{at 36 years old} to let go of some of this baggage? there are people who are wanting to be my "friends" with me, who i can't recall wanting to be my friends so many years ago... and i question it. i'm thoughts lean toward the task of accumulating as many "friends" as possible on facebook, thus making you super-popular. ooh, that was a little catty--i didn't mean it that way... but see?! i'm
like regressing into a snotty teenager... why does any of this matter? why do i over-obsess about stupid shit like this? however, i want to say this: i really am glad to see so many people who i have adored and sadly have lost contact with over the years. so, it is good and fun--apparently, i have issues to work thru!
okay, back to the land of grown-ups... we, the boys and i, have finished some of our Christmas cards this weekend! only about a month late, and we pared the list way down--mostly thank you cards at this point. i don't know where the time went! december was a blur--but a very nice blur.
so, i while i was missing dave this week (he's in lubbock for the month), i was thinking about this trip to jackson last labor day. i told everyone that this was going to be the trip where we saw a moose; and when i saw the moose, i was going to put my arm him and get my picture taken with him!
well, this is not quite what i had in mind. but it was so cute that this moose was wandering around the square giving hugs and taking pictures.
anyway, here we are, all together... good times!
okay, so i have been on facebook since may of 2007--right after my cousin told me i could find him and his sister there... i set up the thing, and never looked at it again.
then at the Gator Bowl (GO BIG RED!!), my new pals said that i

... why freaked out? how to say this? is it that i sometimes suffer from my gnat-sized self-esteem when dealing with the past? is it that i have a difficulty trusting people? is it time

okay, back to the land of grown-ups... we, the boys and i, have finished some of our Christmas cards this weekend! only about a month late, and we pared the list way down--mostly thank you cards at this point. i don't know where the time went! december was a blur--but a very nice blur.
well, this is not quite what i had in mind. but it was so cute that this moose was wandering around the square giving hugs and taking pictures.
anyway, here we are, all together... good times!
** just a few more questions plaguing my thoughts tonight...
1- why doesn't denver lutheran high school have a logo? i did spend 1.5 semesters there as well as 1.5 semesters at AHS... altho i think the time actually spent at DLS far exceeds the time at AHS
2- when did arvada high school change their mascot to a dog? it was the "redskins" forever! then i knew they did something like the "reds"... whatever?
now, i have to thank you for listening to me ramble tonight...
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