Tuesday, December 29, 2009
quagmire no more
Friday, October 30, 2009
the process...

Sunday, October 25, 2009
the soccer scoop!
- 250 plus AYSO regions applied for teams to go the AYSO national tournament...
- 24 AYSO regions were picked (and 12 of them were california regions?!)...
- idaho falls was one of the regions picked...
- there were 25 kids in idaho falls who tried out for the team, and jacks made the cut!!
so we will be in west palm beach in july watching him play soccer on the international polo club's fields! and you maybe you're wondering if ryan is all bunched up about not making the team... and the answer is a big, fat no. because he doesn't have to fundraise, practice or do any of the hard work... and yet he still gets to go on the family vacation to florida and even get to play in the soccerfest on the day before the tournament. yes, it is good to be ryan!
a caramel macchiato update:
- we went to starbucks to get the prototype
- went to the library for the opaque projector--for a supreme logo reproduction
- the cup has been made out of paper mache and chicken-coop-stuff
- we're painting the cup tonight with the first coat
- we're still working out the eye-holes and who'll carry the bucket due to the irony of being vulnerably encased in the cup...
this time last year, i was desperately painting bones for jacks' skeleton costume. so knowing we're not paper mache-ing on wednesday makes me feel like we're ahead of the game!! why we can't just buy costumes? i'll never know...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
then with all of the pumpkin leaves black and wilty, i was able to see all of my tomatoes... and see that some were finally turning red! our summer was brief here, and i was thinking that i was going to have to make fried green tomatoes or aunt bonnie's green tomato pie... now, i might be able to make salsa or something.

then i stopped and looked my boys, and realized they are kinda like the pumpkin seeds... we throw them out in the world (aka school, sports, activities), we never know what they'd grow into. but when the leaves of life are pushed aside and we slow down and take the opportunity to see what's growing, we get to see that these little kids are growing into a pretty neat people--despite our "garden" tending. they are kind and smart, they like to have fun and to laugh, and they makes us very happy...
and i hope that i'll never stop thinking this is the most precious sight in the world--i love watching jackson mow the grass and laugh at whatever thoughts he's got going thru his head!
a good day in the garden, i think...
Sunday, September 27, 2009

are they now teaching irony in 4th grade? i learned what irony meant when i saw reality bites 1994... i was 22!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009

things (thankfully) not missing:
and one heck of a fish tale...

pre-soccer game snap in my office
(cute coach, huh?!)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
i'm in love...

mountain goats and wildflowers...
and who would have thought that these guys would be there?
THIS was not something that i loved about GNP, but learned that i've been to lake sherburne, there are snakes there and so i'm good with that one visit!
ryan taking the road less traveled...
Friday, August 14, 2009
i'm so behind...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009
i {heart} my dad

Monday, July 13, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
the plan was...

Friday, June 5, 2009
happy, happy, happy...

so we built them and had bionicle battles
Sunday, May 31, 2009
as a matter of fact...

first we had granny's party...

last time we checked, these guys were a bit below the t-rex's knee... and the one on the left didn't have quite the attitude. he used to be happy to have his picture taken in front of the dinosaurs... {big sigh}

and finally, the hentzen memorial day tradition: