we stood in the freezing cold and wind and waited for the mutt strut to start...
but i bought the obnoxiously expensive shoes that were guaranteed to make my body not ache all over...
and i promised jacks we'd do it together, and i shot off my big mouth about doing this thing...
the second mile was grueling--we weren't trained for that, and we walked a lot of that mile...
the third mile hurt like hell, but the end was in our sights! we walked much of this, but did run the last bit and thru the finish line...

the times are abysmal: jackson came in first in his age group at 45:20... then me (also first in my age group) at 45:36, and then ryan at 46:21 (2nd for his age).
did i mention there were only 7 runners, and 150 dog walkers? but we set out to do it, and WE DID IT!
i am so proud of you guys!!! good job for sticking with it!!
I'm impressed! Well done!!
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