Monday, December 29, 2008
we all sing the same song
Sunday, December 28, 2008
finally, megs...
as i sit here click-clacking away, i have this major anxiety growing in the pit of my overly-full Christmas tummy with the facts that (1) i'm not sure that i can come up with 7 interesting things about myself, and (2) that i don't really have 7 blog friends... that's a lot of pressure, megs!
oh, speaking of meghan, she is this amazingly wonderful friend with whom i have been blessed.
let's get focused... here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog, and giving them the lowdown...
unknown? maybe. interesting? perhaps. all i could come up with? definitely!
- i refused to marry dave. he had to ask me a couple of times before i relented.
- dave and i lived in maine... for about two weeks--just part of the adventure!
- i love books that are set in England prior, during and right after World War II--any recommendations?
- i insist on being involved (if not in charge) of my kids' school valentine's day parties--because i'm an expert, you know
- i love tea parties--going to the Brown Palace, having them at my home... whatever, i love 'em!
- during a summer in college, i was a nanny. i was 21 and got to spend the summer in NYC, the Cape and just cultivating my love for the whole of the east coast, especially for the very cute boys with their very cute accents... thus the move to maine with dave, of course, without the cuties...
- i surprised dave with an early Christmas present! we're going to florida to see the Cornhusker's play in the Gator Bowl--we leave the snow for the sun tomorrow!
now here is the rougher part, i've got to find 7 people to tag... well, these are the lovely ladies who i follow:
- scribbler... i know that megs tagged her, but... she didn't publish, so i'm retagging her
- marla... who i worked with in lincoln, way back before jacks!
- allison... who i stumbled upon, and left a comment--then this gal who has been called the "one of the most influential up-and-coming women online" actually sent me an email back! in awe, i am!
- jennifer... who is training for a marathon... i wish i had the discipline, so i appreciate living vicarously thru her!
- leave me a comment with something interesting you know about ME, or
- leave me a comment with something interesting you want me to know about YOU!
don't be a blurker, leave me a comment!
Friday, December 26, 2008
i love my friends' kids
Thursday, December 11, 2008
the ghosts of Christmases past
i'm not sure if i've always been too preoccupied with making sure the bubble-wrap gets put back in the right Hallmark box, or whatever it is that i seem to stress over. because i don't think i've ever noticed that the boys were remembering the ornaments like they did this weekend.
some times i wish i was one of those gals who has it all together (as if!). you know, the ones who have inspiring halloween/fall/thanksgiving front porches, and whom probably have festively decorated their whole home with glamorously themed items... including their Christmas tree(s). there is something so beautiful about those trees, they seem so grown-up and elegant. and i want one!
but on the other hand, there are the decorated trees with reindeer made from fun-foam and traced little fingers. or the Christmas trees, interestingly, also made from tiny hands tracedon fun-foam. there are ornaments from school, that remind us of favorite teachers. we have ornaments from places we've been (like our new disneyland ornament) and trips we've taken, ornaments from when i was little, boxes and boxes of goodies from my mom and dad when they liquidated, and the ornaments we've started buying to build the boys' collection for when they have their very own trees. when the rubbermaid tubs were opened this year, it's a treasure trove of memories... and not just for me anymore.
it made me smile to listen to the boys talk about when they made the sparkly snowman in 1st grade, or that mrs. taylor gave them the snowflake last year. and they both commented on the hot wheel flaming hot rod ornaments they both got from their nana and papa when we lived in colorado--that was a long time ago!
and, this was also the year, when the boys took a good look at the ornament my mom gave dave and me for our first Christmas... as i am unpacking the boxes, i heard:
ryan: oh, look, here's santa and mrs. claus... and they are in the... uh, {giggle} jacks look at this...
jacks: {snort}
ryan: {giggle}
jacks: {furtive glance, snort}
ryan: mom...
me: yeah...
ryan: {giggle} did you know--
jacks: they are NAKED!
me: yeah, i know... nana gave it to me
both of them: {wide-eyed and belly laughs} NANA!
especially good memories this year!
miss ya, babe!
Monday, December 8, 2008
tj 4 cf
however, when it's something i like, i.e., taco john's right by my house, i was just another blur of fur over the cliff for my potato oles... and here comes the beauty:
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008

saturday is one of our fundraisers for our swimteam... and it's the hardest for jackson and ryan because they earn money for each length they swim across the pool.
now before you get your checkbook out to sponsor them ... remember, they swam hard last year: ryan, 70 lengths and jackson, 60 lengths .
if you're interested in helping out the boys with this, please let me know (email me) before saturday, and you will then be a proud reciepent of the 2008 speedo picture!! not something you'd want to miss out on : )
we thank you for your support!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i caught you!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
a skeleton and a... um...

Sunday, October 26, 2008
on a pumpkin hunt!

because sunday is the only day he doesn't work, it's our day when we get to talk to dave as much as we want whenever we want...

Sunday, October 19, 2008
well, it's not so good today...
okay, oh, so i'm cranky because dave left us for this new job stint in sunny burbank, california, and we've been going thru life, you know we go to school/work,

soccer games,

going out for pizza and arby's, field trips, harvest carnivals at school, football games (GOOD JOB, TRAVIS!)

and movies. we are going, going, going we haven't had time to really miss him... too much. but today, i only had to go teach dave's sunday school class--isn't he an amazing man? he teaches sunday school at our church... i can't stand the little monsters, and he just does it because he knows it's the right thing to do. and by little monsters, i mean my boys who were so squirrely this morning i was about to smack them both.
again, focus... so we went to sunday school, church and wal-mart for groceries and that was it. nothing else. no other distractions. i actually lost it in church, because dave has such a great voice when he sings, i can comfortably know that no one else can hear my dead bird's warbly singing, well maybe except for God. so here i am crying at church because poor me... my husband has got a nice new, very well-paying job and here i sit having a pity party when there are worse things in the world... people don't have jobs. people can't feed their kids. people are losing bits and pieces of their lives because of the onset of the recession. i don't want to be a whiner.
but i am having a pity party... i ate my pita/egg salad lunch (good for weight watcher points--i'm going to lose weight while he's gone. he can come home to a skinny wife) and promptly gave the clicker to jackson, curled up in a blanket and slept for most of the afternoon. then i watched the shows on the dvr, trying to free up space for more spiderman, spongebob and phineas and ferb episodes... and erasing all proof that i'm addicted to the GND. i have laundry to do--i bought socks at wal-mart so i didn't have to wash them, however. i have a ridiculously hard reference question exercise due for school tomorrow... who the hell is Gustavo Adolfo Býcquer? plus, i need to cook something (a few somethings) that will last us thru the week--dave usually cooks dinner! he's so awesome! and here i sit well past 10 blogging about what?
i remember when we were in college, and the soccer season was over... we got so drunk for a whole weekend, i usually missed school on monday. and the last year dave played--oh, yeah, it wasn't me playing anything organized. always dave, the team player... God, he's so great! anyway (again) that last year, we're driving around in his jeep with the radio blaring and with far more people than there were seatbelts. there were people piled on people, and we were all very drunkly singing/screaming the words to that proclaimer's song, 500 miles... and at one point those dorky looking bespectacled scots sing, And if I grow old well I know I'm gonna beI'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you, dave turned to me and winked.
this is the link to where the video should have been, but i got pissed off trying to figure it out, so click here...
and so here we are, quietly growing older together. there will be much more traveling in our future and it sucks... but until he comes home to us swimming starts, there are Halloween costumes to make--a scarecrow and a skeleton, other harvest carnivals to go to, various playdates, picking pumpkins, carving pumpkins, homework for everyone, library work, laundry to do, dinners to make, PTO meetings, bottles of wine to drink with friends and (thankfully) little boys to love...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
the proof!
but i bought the obnoxiously expensive shoes that were guaranteed to make my body not ache all over...
the second mile was grueling--we weren't trained for that, and we walked a lot of that mile...
the third mile hurt like hell, but the end was in our sights! we walked much of this, but did run the last bit and thru the finish line...

did i mention there were only 7 runners, and 150 dog walkers? but we set out to do it, and WE DID IT!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
what do you mean this a 5k?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
the season is almost over!

tomorrow is jacks 2nd to last game...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
you know what assuming does, right?
wash your hair with shampoo, and please don't forget to use the conditioner in your hair
wash your face and your body with soap
please be sure to rinse all of the shampoo, conditioner and soap off before you get out

anyway, fall is here and we're trying to come to grips with it! this weekend jacks, ryan and i are running our first 3K together. jacks read a book about running track in 2nd grade, and ever since he's mentioned how much he'd like to run. i've always held the conviction that people who run for fun are slightly mental; but when jacks saw the flyer for this Mutt Strut and asked me to run with him... i changed my thinking. i love that he asked me to run with him!
so now all three of us are running, and i can't think of a better way to spend our saturday morning... except maybe by scouring ryan's neck!
Monday, October 6, 2008
tapping into the maverick-ness...

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
accidental genuis... mayhaps
and by the way, the scrib is wonderful... visit her blog too!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
creatures of habit...

and the view isn't too bad either!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
a few days late...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
is you is, or is you ain't...

so jackson and i walked to his line. he squeezed my hand once before he let go, and walked off to get in his line. so i stood there watching my babies completely independent and confident walk into their classrooms with their friends.
dinah washington sung it, is you is or is you ain't my baby? and of course there were other conotations, but that's what came to mind yesterday as i watched the blacktop empty around me.
don't miss the tom and jerry version of the great song...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
i'm so disappointed...
my jaw is still on the ground in shock, when i realize i have to say something. i didn't completely freak out, but in a very controlled voice i said, "i'm so disappointed in you guys..." and then ryan starts crying, and jackson (as stoic as ever) looks down at his feet not uttering a word.
- if it were my children who were teased, i would have told them to suck it up and realize the teaser was a jerk and move on... however, now i'm the mother of the jerks!
- then i go the other way, and my heart goes out to this little boy and to his mom, who is hurting from the sting my boys inflicted.
- and then i'm so angry with jacks and ryan over this for so many reasons like the little kid is only going into kindergarten, ryan still can't pronounce his R and W sounds... and they know how it hurts to be teased.
- and back the other way, boys will be boys, and kids tease each other. but that's just so wrong.
so now i'm the mom of bullies... nice.
picture from Eric & Caroline's wedding May 5, 2007
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
happy day!

Friday, August 8, 2008
do you know CJ Box?

how many times have you read a book and wondered about who wrote this book... i often think about that when i read stephen king, because what would fuel someone to write like this? i also wonder when i stumble across a especially juicy book-- is this woman so deprived that she writes her deepest fantasies for the world. or conversely, is she writing autobiographical?
so anyway, here i am in spokane trying to be TALL next to this very nice guy, c. j. box. i'm so embarrassed that i haven't read his books--even though they have been recommended! he is from wyoming, and writes about the issues of the rocky mountain west. i think i have been leary to read him, because i seem to have this apathetic view of environment writings--please don't preach at me! i do care about the enviroment, but i'm not overboard like the the people who are saving water by peeing on their plants...
so anyway, i have been assured that i'm wrong about the author and what he writes. i got one of his books, free fire. this is the seventh (maybe) book in the joe picket series, but it's about yellowstone and this weird strip of land (the sliver that is idaho) where mass murders take place... you should check out the website.

yes, he is charming, but i really know he's here for the fly-fishing. it will be just like our honeymoon--he fishes and i read. i guess that's just the ABCs of us.
*have to go to conferences? not so much of a "have to" thing -- i love getting out of idaho falls and hanging out with other librarians... especially at the corks and cans events. highly recommend coeur d'alene's bar 6.
Monday, August 4, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008
some times...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
they're, their, there...
Monday, July 28, 2008
their home!
so far we've heard about:
- ryan throwing up twice in the car from too much ice cream
- catching perch, muskies, northern pike and cropies
- the leeches in the water
- the huge mosquitos and flies that bite
- tubing and cliff-diving
- uncle gil's pancakes
- celebrating cousin ella's birthday with an elmo pinata
- watching PG-13 movies
- and how much fun they had doing all of that stuff with cousins kyle and tyler!
i can't wait to see and post the pictures!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
thanks, Dr Twinning...

Sweetest little bookworm. hidden underneath...
Is the sexiest librarian...
Take off those glasses and let your hair down for me.
Take off those glasses and let your hair down for me.
Simple little beauty- heaven in your breath.
The simplest of pleasures- the world at it's best.
i like that image far more than the alternative image burned in people's minds!
Monday, July 21, 2008
the lights are on, but nobody is home...