it's been a very hectic april...
i have been to boise for my annual meeting for the Idaho Center for the Book, and who knew that boise had so much to offer?!
if you're ever in our captial, check out the viziato... 90 minutes of pure heaven! and then there was this awesome flatbread community oven place that i had lunch at with
my friends, amy and jacquie--thanks for lunch amy : )

but then we had Easter... and sadly, this is an Easter without pictures. i hate to say that {in this independent-woman day and age} there are things that i really rely on my husband to do... things like bring paper towels and toilet paper up from the basement, pay the bills--literally, write the check, put a stamp on the envelope, and mail it; scoop snow, take out the trash... oh, and make sure there are batteries in the camera.
i've adapted to some of these, like i keep the toilet paper (all 12 rolls in the linen closet) and cait brings up paper towels when she cleans; and the boys scoop and take out the trash... but i still don't pay the bills... and call me lazy, i don't do batteries.
so when we were coloring eggs, i picked up the camera and saw that the batteries were dead, i just set it back down and went back to coloring eggs--how sad is that?! i kinda chalk it up to not wanting to celebrate anything while dave is gone. pathetic, but i love this man and when he's gone, so is my enthusiam...
okay, anyway...
the good part is that he came home and we all flew to houston to see the morrisseys thenext weekend! they had another baby! another girl {for me to indulge}...

so, we're the very proud god-parents to erin...

and to collin...
and reagan...

now, you may recall i have had this love/hate relationship with texas... okay, mostly hate. everytime we would travel there was always--i mean, always--a
major hassle. and this trip was awesome! we had the most fun! the guys played with all of the morrissey cousins, just like they were one of them. i sometimes feel bad for jacks and ryan because they don't have cousins, but it's just the way it is. i could blame my parents for just having me, but why?! i just have to be thankful that we are so blessed with great friends and they great times we get to spend together. and it's so nice that somethings never change and can be counted on... like dave and erik having many beers.

we got home on monday, and now i'm in the flathead valley... eventful times.